
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Squishy #13

Square13Oh my goodness, when I gazed upon this gem of a Wish13piece  of fabric I absolutely fell in love!  This is my vision for my family!  This is what I hope all of our visions are for our extended family is even it can’t be our biologic/adopted family. This is what we should all strive to teach our children that the world really looks like, and that families aren’t limited to just what they look like (everyone looking the same).  I love the idea of a multicultural family and a multicultural community!  I love the idea of us all singing together in the same voice!  I think that I might be a little bias about this since I know that my little one is out there and is a beautiful Asian baby! But our addition will not be the first multicultural addition to our family (Thank you Phillip) and I LOVE IT!  Tricia I know that this fabric spoke to you and drew you in, and I am very grateful for the fabric and the message that it screams- even if it was unintentional.  

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