Our wonderful friends from the Freshwater group also gave us a baby shower for Kai on the same day- later that night! (Kai really made off that day) We had a great turnout with wonderful conversation, and Ray was finally able to meet all of my adoption support friends! We had a great time!
Kai’s cake was extremely appropriate for our growing little family! Our friends know how much we love Disney and can’t wait to take Kai on our first family vacation (of sorts)- where else but to Disneyland Hong Kong! We will have to see how that turns out ;)
Kai’s waiting friends were extremely generous. He left with a car seat, high chair, clothes, books, dress up clothes (with matching dinner set with cowboys!!!!!) and ………. a double stroller!
Ever since I have been welcomed into the Freshwater group I have been made to feel welcome and a part of the group. I know that I have little to offer other than my optimism and excitement but they love and accept me anyway.
I do know that there will be more strings once Kai is home ;0) I have already been warned about the never ending play dates, birthday parties, and of course the Tuesday evening meetings- wait where is the catch? Oh yeah…there isn’t one.
I love you guys and I can’t wait for Kai to come home and meet all of his wonderful new friends! Thank you for all of the support! This baby shower is just one more thing that I can add to my long list of reasons to be grateful that I was prompted to go the the quilt shop that day to meet Peggy. I am, and always will be, thankful to God for my overflowing glass of Freshwater!
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