Last year on Mother’s Day I was grieving. We had been informed that we was unable to have biological children earlier that year and I was facing an unknown timeline in the process of adopting from China. Mother’s Day had been difficult ever since we had decided to “let nature take it’s course” and every month came back unfruitful in our pursuit. Every month was a reminder of the empty nest in our home. Every month I grieved. Mother’s Day was a big fat reminder of the reality that was being faced every month.
Don’t get me wrong. I was very grateful to my mother and all that she has done. I was all about honoring her and all that she is, but it was still difficult. I wanted to have the opportunity to kiss my babies goodnight. I wanted to be able to kiss the boo boo’s and rock the babies to sleep. I wanted the opportunity to be the kind of mother that my mother had trained me to be.
AND then it happened. Just a few days after Mother’s Day last year we received THE CALL. We rushed to our computer and waited impatiently as the file loaded and we were able to gaze on his beautiful face for the first time. Staring back at us was OUR SON!!!!! AND his birthday was Mother’s Day 2008. God made sure that Mother’s Day would be a celebration for the rest of my life. Not only because I was now a mother, but my son was the best Mother’s Day present imaginable. As I was grieving- God was preparing my future.
As we prepared our home for our son, we got the surprise of our life. We found out that we were pregnant! The impossible happened. I was going to have the opportunity to experience pregnancy for myself. I soon found out how difficult this process was to be. It was a long first trimester. Then it rolled into a long second trimester. I finally got a reprieve right before we left for China- at 6 months pregnant. I trekked through China and up the Great Wall of China 6 months pregnant. I carried our new son Kai in a carrier on my chest (sitting on his sister) all over China. It was worth every second!
When we got home we had lots of growing pains. We are still having lots of growing pains. Taking care of a new toddler while very pregnant was difficult. He was a Velcro baby that only wanted his momma. After his palate surgery in January I held him in a hospital chair for 24 hours straight while I was 8 1/2 months pregnant. We had to make major adjustments in every aspect in our lives. I wouldn’t change one second of it. Everything that we go through makes us who we are today. Every tough day and hardship has made me the person that I am today.
On March 2, 2010 we added to our family again with our happy surprise. Kylee made me a mother for a second time in this one year period- joining our family just 4 short months after her brother. Again we have had to make adjustments and again it is worth every bit of it. I have a beautiful family! It is amazing what a difference a year makes!